Anj's Blog

Anj's Blog

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Prayer for Japan

Lift up your hearts in prayer
The need is now at hand
The cry of death and misery
Is heard throughout the land.

Tsunami has killed thousands
The numbers still do grow
This mighty act of nature
Hath dealt an awful blow.

Disease is running rampant
Their lives are filled with woe
The torment and the destruction
Is more than we could know.

Lift up your hearts in prayer
For many souls have died
The precious little children
And all who have survived.

Pray for aunts and uncles
For mothers filled with grief
Pray that 'God of Abraham' 
Will send them some relief.

Lift up your heart in prayer
For those who tried to flee
The giant wall of water
Tossed by a raging sea.

Pray for the lost and hungry
The homeless and the weak
Pray that these ravaged countries
Will find the help they seek.

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